Support Center

This support centre is divided in to two sections; Articles and FAQ's. You can click on the categories below to bring up the relevant information. The more categories you select, the more results you will see. To only show one category, please deselect all other unwanted categories. 
At the bottom of this page is a Contact Form, should you require assistance from one of the Konica Minolta team. When completing this form, please provide as much information as possible. 

Articles: All Categories

Please follow this link to watch a video on How to use the admin features ( We would recommend opening this link...
Please follow this link to watch a video on how to Log a service call ( We would recommend opening this link...
Please use this link to watch a video on How to do meter reads ( We would recommend opening this link in...
Please follow this link to watch a video on how to Order Consumables ( We would recommend opening this link in a...

FAQ: All Categories

How can I view the machines I deal with only?
To view only your machines, you would need to create a group under machine administration, in the same section you can then assign user visibility so that you can only see your machines.

Once you have created the group and assigned your user visibility, please contact someone within the Remote Support Department who can ensure this has been done. You can call us on 0371 574 7200 or complete the contact form below.

For assistance with how to create groups/ assign user visibility please refer to the instructions in this video How to use the admin features (
How do I make a change to my Address?
If you have any queries with regards to amending your invoice address or location address, please supply the full address and as much information as possible with regards to your query in the box provided.
We will get back to you in due course.
Can I change the levels of rights per user?
Yes! Ebiz is there for you to tailor to your needs, you can assign different levels of rights to each user under User administration. (For assistance with how to create groups/ assign user visibility please refer to the instructions in this video How to use the admin features (
Consumable Requests
If you have any queries relating to your consumable order, please supply your equipment number (s) and as much information as possible in relation to your query in the box provided.
We will get back to you in due course.
Order Consumables (
If you would like to provide us with any feedback in the contact form provided below, we would be much appreciated.
Field Support
If you have any queries in relation to print quality, printing or scanning issue and have already booked a call and wish to follow this up please include your equipment number and as much information as possible in relation to your query in the contact form provided below. If you do not have a call booked, please book one prior to using this option.
Log a service call (
How do I provide more information after booking a Service Call?
If you have any queries in relation to print quality, printing or scanning issues and have already booked a call and wish to follow this up please include your equipment number and as much information as possible in relation to your query in the contact form provided below. If you do not have a call booked, please book one prior to using this option.
Log a service call (
How do I submit Meter Readings?

Please follow this video to understand How to do meter reads ( 
We recommend opening this link in a new tab.

If you have any queries regarding your invoices, please supply the equipment number (s) and as much information as possible in relation to your query in the contact form provided below.
We will get back to you in due course.

I do not want certain users seeing details of invoices can this be changed?
If you have User administration rights you can change what is on view on the Ebiz account. You can remove the viewing of Invoices and various other applications to tailor your requirements. To do this, untick the options on Access Levels rights.

For assistance with how to create groups/ assign user visibility please refer to the instructions in this video How to use the admin features (
I have a query regarding reporting.
If you have any queries with regards to reporting, please supply as much information as possible with regards to your query in the contact form provided below.
We will get back to you in due course.
I have a query relating to my invoice, what do I do?
If you have any queries regarding your invoices, please supply the invoice number and as much information as possible in the contact form provided below.

We will get back to you in due course.
If you have any queries regarding your invoices, please supply the invoice number and as much information as possible in relation to your query in the contact form provided below.
We will get back to you in due course.
I have a question regarding my CSRC connection.
If you have any queries regarding your CS remote care facility on your device, please supply your equipment number (s) and as much information as possible in relation to your query in the contact form below.
We will get back to you in due course.
How can I access on-demand eBIZ training?
If you have any queries regarding device functions or use including copying, printing, scanning or self-maintenance procedures. Please provide model of device, equipment number and as much information as possible in the contact form provided below.
We will get back to you in due course.

Please be aware of our basic training videos, accessible via our website.

Order Consumables (

Log a service call (

How to do meter reads (

How to use the admin features (

We recommend opening these links in a different tab.

Machine Movement Form
Please download and fill out the machine movement form and attached it to the contact form provided below.
Please supply as much information as possible and we will get back to you in due course.
Meter readings
If you have any queries regarding your invoices, please supply the equipment number (s) and as much information as possible in relation to your query in the contact form provided below.
We will get back to you in due course.
How to do meter reads ( 
We recommend opening this link in a new tab.
How do I provide feedback?
If you would like to provide us with any feedback in the contact form provided below, we would be much appreciated. Alternatively, you can complete the survey which will pop up in the right hand side of your screen when you first log in to eBIZ.
I have machines that are missing from my account / that are no longer on site?
If there are machines that are missing from your account, please raise these with the who will be able to check that the information is correct on the system.

Machines will still appear on your Ebiz account after they have been collected. Only when they have been "final billed" by the billing department and removed from your contract will they disappear from eBIZ.
If you have any queries with regards to reporting, please supply as much information as possible with regards to your query in the contact form provided below.
We will get back to you in due course.
Service Incidents
If you have any queries relating to a service call out, please supply your equipment number (s) and as much information as possible in relation to your query in the contact form provided below.
We will get back to you in due course.
Log a service call (
I require Solution Support
If you are experiencing any issues regarding your print solution, please provide your equipment number (s) and as much information as possible in relation to your query in the contact form provided below.
We will get back to you in due course.
I wish to complete a Machine Movement Form
Please download and fill out the machine movement form and attached. Once complete, please submit this by using contact form provided below.

Please supply as much information as possible and we will get back to you in due course.
Solution Support
If you are experiencing any issues regarding your print solution, please provide your equipment number (s) and as much information as possible in relation to your query in the contact form provided below.
We will get back to you in due course.
Machine Collections and Termination
If you require your machine (s) to be terminated or collected, please supply the equipment number (s) and provide as much information as possible in the contact form below.

We will get back to you in due course.
Service Incidents following a call out.
If you have any queries relating to a service call out, please supply your equipment number (s) and as much information as possible in relation to your query in the contact form provided below.
We will get back to you in due course.

If you have not yet booked a call, you can learn how to do this here - Log a service call (
We recommend opening this video in a new tab.
We are a service desk that cover multiple schools, can all schools be on one account?
Ebiz accounts are set up via the account number, if the schools are on different account numbers then unfortunately these will have to go on separate account.
What happens when we book a service call on the portal?
The service call will be booked immediately and triaged in the same way it would if you were to call the service desk.
When will I receive my order placed on Ebiz?
You can track your order by going onto the orders tab.

The consumable orders option will show you all toners, waste toner imaging units etc and the orders option will show you any kit that is on its way. On the order page you can see the shipping status of the order, if you then click into the order in question, and click into more information you can then find your tracking URL.
Where can I see my products on Ebiz?
You can view your products by navigating to the My Products Tab, under this tab there are two drop downs, my machines and my solutions.
Where do I input my meter readings and what to do if the system will not allow me to enter reads?
You can enter your meter readings singularly or as a group. You can do this via the machines tab, by clicking into the relevant device and selecting "add a counter reading" alternatively you can do this via the counters tab. You can find an excel/pdf template on here which you can download and then resubmit if you have a mass number of reads to upload.  

If you are unable to submit reads if the previous reads are higher than the ones you are submitting, please contact our billing department by completing the contact form below.

You can learn more about how to input meter readings by following this video - How to do meter reads (

Contact Form